We live in an authentic Tsunami in marketing and communication
The technics and studies we had learn just few years ago are not working and are unusefull in today´s world. Four P´S has gone and all the marketers are looking for a new model that helps them to achieve the objectives.
A model that helps to continue his brand and his job. The cause of all this is based in many different mega-trends that had completely change the perception of the consumer and how you approach is based. In the meantime we all, try to find new tools that i like to call “the 2.0 Golden egg”, tools that are like a float in the ocean helping us to breath and survive, nothing more... So what is going on? Well, consumer attitudes and preferences has change. From the typical Four P´S we have switch to a consumer preferences where they have the power to decide what to buy, where, and how much they want to pay. So consumer is in other stage with this new four big points:
1.Consumer Preferences
2.Cost to satisfy
3.Convenience to buy
Consumer preferences means the way they want to customize the product and/ or create the product. The typical process of creation by a few “illuminate” is loosing preferences and the Power to create is a big emerging trend.
Cost to satisfy means the price the customer wants to pay in order to satisfy there needs. It depends on the moment and on time of satisfaction of the product or service.
Convenience to buy means the emotional buying process. Means the customer is looking for experience that satisfy the moment of purchasing. Communication means the new king of all marketing departments. Communication is the vehicle that helps companies to inter-act and create dialogs with there communities. Communications today is about how to BE in the Dialog and not just send a message. I found this analog really cleaver.
- In the seventies we send VOYAGER to the deep space with a message about humans. If we will do it again probably we will send an iPhone with the Facebook application connected and asking for be a friend of us, create a digital profile, upload pictures and why not play Farm.
Cheers from the future